Last night was the big Homecoming game between the Maypearl Panthers and the Venus Bulldogs. Lynne and I got there early to drop Will off at the band hall and went into the gym to watch the girls volleyball game (they beat RioVista). While watching the last match I heard a deep booming sound and asked Lynne what that sound was. It was the band marching onto the field! We ran out of the volleyball game to go support #2 son.

We got out there in time to get a picture of them marching around the track to the stands. Will said he had to watch real close so as not to run into Haden in front of him. Ryler behind him kept pushing him with his drum.

The band played on the field before the game because of halftime activities. Will and his buddy Haden haven't learned all the songs yet so they just sat in the stands.

It was a good game for Maypearl. We were leading at the half, 21-0. Does a blurry picture indicate a cheap digital camera, poor photography, or both?

The band stood there at halftime and played "Isn't She Lovely" for the Queen contestants. Will is standing with his back to us right in front of the drum row, holding sheet music for the flute player.

The stands were packed!

The grounds were packed!

That's the band director Mr. Ferguson playing trumpet behind Will and the drum corps. They had 4 bass drums and you could feel them from the other end of the stands.

Maypearl won the game 30-7. We all sang the school song (not really, I don't know the words) and headed home.