Today is my Momma's birthday! I won't tell you how old she is, but her favorite son is 40. She is a great Mom and a wonderful GranMa. We love you! We had another cool night for baseball in Maypearl tonight. In this shot you can see Nick at short stop, Andy at second base, and Garret on first. There is a kid from Kemp on second. All under a full moon. I got cold and left at the top of the sixth inning. We were ahead 0-7.
We went to Venus last Thursday night for a scrimmage game against the Bulldogs. Our first night of baseball for the season. Andy was lead off batter but got thrown out when his coach had him go for third base. He did steal second, third, and home later in the game. Here he is playing second base. After Andy played three innings they sent in the subs to see what they could do. That's when I took my lovely bride to a romantic Valentines dinner at Whataburger.
Lynne has been working as the gate keeper for the basketball games in Maypearl. (Extra money because some kid wants to go to a private school!) So we went up there Thursday night and had a Frito Chile Pie (there's a highway) and watched the JrHigh games. Here is Jimmy shooting one of two technical foul free throws. Grandview's sub went in before the Ref called for him. They're seventh graders, they're still learning.