I was checking out
The Lost Dogs web site about a month ago and noticed they were going to be on tour in about a month. The nearest they came to us was Tulsa, Oklahoma. Lynne happened to mention that her birthday was the Wednesday before. So I took my wife to Tulsa for her birthday!

They were playing at a place called the Gypsy Coffeehouse. The place was full of artsy types and what would have been hippies 30 years ago. We got there at 9 o'clock and were told the band was running late and would be there about 10:15.

They finally got there, set up, and started performing about 10:30. Our table was about 10 feet from the band! There were only about 30 people in the place, 20 of which came to see the Dogs.

That's Terry Taylor on the left. He sings and plays guitar for the Dogs and is also in a band called Daniel Amos. Derri Daugherty is on the right. He plays bass and sings with the Dogs. His other band is The Choir.

Also singing and playing lead guitar was Mike Roe. He is also the lead singer and guitar player for the 77's, my favorite band.

Playing drums and assorted percussion on this tour was Steve Hindalong. He also worked with The Choir. The Dogs played an acoustic set that lasted about and hour and a half. It was excellent. It could have gone on all night in my book. But the band finished up and mingled with the crowd for awhile.

The Dogs are camping out on this tour! They are traveling route 66 in this motor home and spending their night at campgrounds. They said during the concert they are ready for real beds.