The Maypearl football team made it into the playoffs and had a game last Saturday in Glen Rose. The band would be playing, and since we have 2 boys in the band we decided to go be supportive parents. Of course we had to stop and eat BBQ before we headed to the game. It was very good and the big slice of chocolate pie I had with it wasn't bad either. We then headed toward the football field via the scenic route. We stopped first at Big Rocks Park.

There are a lot of big rocks in Big Rock Park, I wonder where they got the name? The Paluxy River was flowing with cool water that day.

There was a group of guys there playing with, I mean driving their RC cars on the rocks. Doing a little rock crawling. You can see a video of that in the next post down.

No one was playing in the water that day, it was a little cool. We did see one guy in flip flops wade in. Now to head to the football field, after we stop downtown.

The Somervell County courthouse has a nice sculpture in front. Lynne flirted with the old man selling vegetables on the square and got a bunch for free.

There is a dinosaur track in the side of the pavilion in front of the courthouse. We need to make a trip to the state park sometimes to see some more. OK, time to go to the football game.

We got there a little before halftime. McGregor was home and Maypearl was on the visitor side.

The cheerleaders and the panther were leading cheers, getting the crowd fired up.

I though of Uncle Alan when I saw these guys. They had a pretty good setup down there.

Doesn't the band look excited. This was a slow moment. We were there to support them though!

We tricked Jesse into looking at the camera for this picture.

Alright, time to stop messing around and start the dramatic comeback. The season ended about 38 seconds after I took this picture.

Maypearl had a good crowd of fans there to support them.

The teams shook hands after the game,

the cheerleaders kept cheering,

and everyone sang the school song as the season came to a close.