We drove to Waco Thursday night for the first game against Hamilton. We were on a Catholic schools field about 1 mile east of Baylor University, in the Brazos river bottom. It was a nice cool night and the mosquitoes were about the size of small planes.

That's Andy of second base. He went in as a courtesy runner for one of our injured players. Unfortunately, the coach told him to run on a fly ball that the center fielder made an excellent catch on. They threw him out before he got back to base.

We had a couple of great innings and won the game 12-5.

Game 2 was at noon today in Hillsboro at the Hill College field. It was in the upper 80's and hot. No mosquitoes, but yellow jackets kept buzzing the crowd. Andy didn't get into this game but I could hear him yelling from the dugout.

The field on Thursday was nicer than this one, but it was a good day for baseball.

In case you can't read it the score was 13 us, 8 them.

We're moving on to the next round. We will play either Crawford or Peaster.
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