Well, the septic may have caused some problems but it is now in and working great. We were suppose to close on the house on July 7th but that didn't happen because they forgot to send our the appraiser. We were suppose to close on July 11th but that didn't happen because they forgot to send out the surveyor. Now we are scheduled (haha) to close on July 24th. We will see.
In the meantime, Will and Jesse went to Mimi and Papa's for a mini vacation while Jeff and Andy went to Washington DC for SLU 201. You will hear more about that from them I am sure.
I scraped the master bathroom floor, the kitchen floor, and with some help from my friends Debbie and Ron we scraped the perimeter of the living room and dining room. This was because Grandpa has a friend who is coming to professionally finish scraping the rest of the floors in the house. I have asked myself many times over the past 24 hours why I didn't think of this sooner. I still don't know. what I do know is that if you get the urge to scrape your own floors, DON'T DO IT!!!!!!! You will hurt in places you never thought possible and swelling of joints in hands and fingers is guaranteed. Save yourself the pain. The floors will look great once they are done. I look forward to that. Other than that the house is clean and the bathrooms are fully derocrated and ready for use. Hopefully we can start moving in soon. I am hoping it will be before school starts.
In case you haven't heard, I get to move to 6th grade this year and I am so looking forward to the new school year starting. Yes, I am excited about school. We have been so blessed this year and I welcome all my friends and family to come out to the new house for a tour, cold drink, and a good visit.