We had a great view out our airplane window on the trip out. We were on the next to last row.
We met a group in the DFW airport from a private school in FtWorth. They were also headed for Student Leadership University (SLU). We stayed with them most of the first day.

To bad the Metro line didn't go to the hotel.

There were several SLU groups waiting on the free hotel shuttle. See that little van? See all those people? They called for backup and got us all there pretty quick.

We finally got to the hotel before check in time, so we left our luggage in a meeting room and caught the hotel shuttle to the Pentagon Center Mall for lunch. We got back to the hotel and had to wait around to check in for the conference.

This was the meeting room at the hotel where we had our meals and all our speakers.

The speakers the first night were Bob Record and Admiral Cook.

Here is a close-up of Andy and Admiral Cook.
Does Admiral Cook walk lopsided with all those medals????
Huh... I thought you were there for more than one day.
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