On Saturday we had some rain so we went grocery shopping and in the process bought Jesse his new golf clubs. He is stylin' now. They are black and silver and very slick looking. After we got home and put away the groceries we started grilling burgers for Andy's birthday bash. We were expecting somewhere between 10-??? kids. Ron and Debbie Inman came over with their kids to party with Jeff and me. HOOPLA!!!! We grilled 40 hamburgers and had the fixins' for that with chips and salsa. The Inmans brought soupapilla cheesecake (yum!!!). The kids watched a movie while eating and then went outside to goof off. The highlight of the evening was watching Ron and Steelman grab the electric fence and then the t-post and shocking themselves silly. We laughed so hard at them. (For those who don't know, the electric fence will pop you really good if you do this.) Part of the reason this was so funny was because Ron did it first just goofing off and then convinced Steelman (who had just witnessed Ron doing this) to do the same thing. It was hilarious!! After that we shut off all the lights in the house and let the kids play Murder in the Dark while Jeff and I watched a DVD on the portable dvd player in the dining room. At about 1100pm everyone went home and we went to bed. On Sunday afternoon, we spent some time with grandma and grandpa at their house and then came home. We decided that since we still had the grill here we would use it. We grilled pork chops, chicken, and sausage. All we have to do this week is heat up the meat and add some side dishes. I love that. The weather was nice and comfortably cool. I figure somewhere in the low 80's or high 70's. Beautiful weather. Well, I wanted to share this laid back time with all. Have a blessed week and enjoy the season.