Will is in the Marching Band now. The uniform is so black it doesn't show up well in the picture. The drum corps is solid black and he will be getting a black beret to go with it. They went to Hamilton for the game last night and didn't get home until 1am. Next week is homecoming and he may get to march on the field with the rest of the band for the first time. He's just been sitting in the stands with them until he learns all the songs. By the way, Maypearl lost to Hamilton, 7 to 74.
Whoo-whoo! Aren't band uniforms just the best thing that ever hit the fashion world???
Yea, Will! Get Mom & Dad to video y'all marching on the football field for me.
Aunt Sissy
That's one of the perks of being a cheerleader! No itchy band uniforms on sticky-humid-hot Friday nights!! And no hats to mess up the hair! Although, a beret might be workable . . .
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