I was off today, so we loaded up the kids and headed to the FtWorth Zoo.

There were several Rhinos in the pen. This one had a prehensile upper lip. Was it a Black or White Rhino?

The Asian Elephants were standing around eating hay. They looked bored.

Lynne got to see her Hippos. They were swimming around, not just sitting on the bottom like usual.

The White Tiger was roaming her cage, jumping from rock to rock. She also chewed on a palm tree, just like our house cat does.

The Lion was showing off. He was strutting around his enclosure. Then he started roaring at the crowd. The kids loved it!

They had a walk in aviary that was full of the kind of birds you could get at the pet store. It was neat to see all of them able to fly around.

The Kangaroos were all enjoying the warm sunshine.

Jesse decided to become a Komodo Dragon wrangler.

The Flamingos were standing close enough to the fence you could reach out and touch them. Note: Flamingos don't like to be touched.
I love the white tigers. David needs to go to the zoo.
I think it is the black rhino that has the handy lip!
I bet those flamingos would be easy to tip over.
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