Everyone sing! "Our State Fair is a great State Fair..." OK, that's enough. After the failed attempt at attending the fair on Columbus day I pulled Lynne and the boys out of school and we went on a Thursday. It was alot less crowded but it was senior citizen day. Will got his foot run over by a little old lady in her electric scooter. She never even slowed down, it was funny.

The sand castle exhibit was interesting. How do they get that sand to stay in place so they can carve it? I guess they pack it while it's wet.

The new Texas Skyway was up and running. We didn't ride, I still remember what happened to the last one. The gate we entered the park thru was under one of the stations.

This is the first animal we saw when we went into the petting zoo. They had alot of exotic animal there as well as the barnyard variety.

Here are the boys petting an American Bison (aka: Buffalo).

Then the boys got hungry. Here they are eating lunch. Oh wait, that's the wrong picture. See the post "Together at the State Fair" below for that picture.

Here is the view up the Esplanade looking toward the Texas Hall of State. The picture isn't fuzzy, those are the water drops from the fountains at the front of the pond.

I think Jesse found his car!

The Amazing Acrobats of Africa were performing in front of the African American Museum. How low can you go?

And of course the entire day we're making a big loop around the Cotton Bowl. You can see the Skyway again in this picture.

We went to the bird show again this year. It was fun as usual.

If you look real close you can see them releasing an eagle out of the gold car on the Texas Star Ferris wheel. It glided down and landed on the guys arm on stage. It's an eagle from Africa but it looks kinda like a Bald Eagle.

Here is an owl taking flight. Look at those talons!

One more shot of Big Tex. In the background you can see the Tower Building (I wonder why they call it that), the Cotton Bowl, and the Texas Star.

And of course I had to include this picture. There was a garden railroad around the base of Big Tex! We decided that we are just going to pull the boys out of school every year to go to the State Fair. It is alot less crowded and much more enjoyable during the week. And there were alot of other parents and kids there who had done the same thing!
We decided to start our State Fair tradition next year when Dad will have weekdays off & David will enjoy more of it. I enjoyed your pics... felt like I was there! : )
There aren't very many people around Big Tex compared to what I remember of my last visit to the State Fair.
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