Lynne made the chicken and dressing this year for Thanksgiving. She let her Mom take a break from cooking the meal. We also cooked a turkey in a bag.

MiMi and Lynne sampled the turkey and seemed to think it was OK for human consumption.

Here is some of the food spread out to eat. Of special importance are the two chocolate pies in the background. They were very good.

The table looked nice.

Before the meal we took PaPa's picture with all his grankids.

The dreaded kids table. (Doesn't Andy look happy.)

The ravaged turkey.

After the meal some of us took a nap.

And some played on the trampoline. Later we watched the Cowboys game and had left overs for Supper. It was a fun and filling day.
Did you see the snow in Dallas?
Lynne sure is good at that napping thing! : )
Are those snails in the dinner plates?
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