Well, after 10 days of hype last night was the Trunk or Treat in the FBC parking lot. Members got there early to set up around the lot.

Instead of setting up downtown this year, the Maypearl Fire Department came to set up in the parking lot with us. They ran the flashy lights all night long.
There were alot of great costumes.
These girls were having fun.

Arg! A pirate baby.

Wow, an Incredible family.


The Inman Clan brought this great game. To get candy you had to reach into the nose and pull out a penny. It was full of green spaghetti! Eww!

There were several pets there.

We'll have to get Pipper a bun costume for next year.

OK, we thought this was hilarious. This is Andy's friend Zach (aka: Dee?). He was Mike Vick and his dog. (if ya don't get it ask someone)

And Super David was there, with the power to help! Watch Super Why on channel 13 to understand that one.

And of course the prettiest baby there. Princess Lizzy (or is it a ballerina?)

They went long into the night. But we ran out of candy and went home a little after 8 o'clock. It was a great night and the whole town had fun!
Very good photo story. Thanks for taking us to Trunk or Treat!
Yeah! You got some good pictures! Will you email me the ones of David & Elizabeth?
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