Have you ever done something and then kicked yourself later for it? Welcome to my world. I was in the yard the other night playing with the dogs and didn't realize my cell phone was missing until the next morning. Lynne tried to call it but it went straight to voice mail. I prayed it was just a dead battery, but no, Chico had found it sometime during the night.

He's got some strong teeth. He broke the camera lens, punctured the battery, chewed the antenna off, and filled it with tooth holes. I can't blame him though, he didn't drop it.

Luckily the SIM card was intact. I put it in the $20 Go-Phone we bought when Andy broke his phone and it's working fine. Live and learn. Anyone need a dog?
Yep, completely identify with that feeling. I gave you some company in the matter on my blog.
Sounds like he should have eaten a little more of the battery...
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