Monday, June 23, 2008

Leaving The Nest

I am sitting here watching the new baby birds that are finally showing themselves outside my window. I am watching the momma and daddy birds take constant care of them. It reminds me of taking care of my kids. They always seem to be hungry or needing something. It is a never ending thing. There are times when I wish I could slow down and take a breather. Well today I am able to have that breather although I am not too sure about it. My house is extremely quiet. The older two boys have left for youth camp and my youngest is at a friend's house for the day and evening. Jeff and I will have a very rare time of no children at home tonight. I am constantly on the go with the boys and used to dealing with their noises and such that the quiet is almost too much. I find myself turning up the radio or television to make up for the lack of noise. You know with all the hustle and rushing around that we do, there are times when I just wish for some quiet time of my own. Today has taught me that quiet isn't all that it is cracked up to be. I guess I say that now because of what has happened this past week. I am wanting my children close to me. Jeff would say that my apron strings have tightened up again. He is right. They seem to be tighter these last couple of weeks. I know that just as the momma and daddy birds will help their babies learn to fly and leave the nest, I am doing the same thing with my babies. At some point we have to let them fly on their own just as the baby birds will someday do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have just learned the hardest part of raising kids! - the letting go! It is never easy and your will never stop worrying about them. Also your prayer life will get stronger. But it is good to see your kids grow into young men with Christion morals. We love your family very much and we are always here.