It's that time of year again. But of course, we're there for the band. You can see Will above with his bass drum (3rd from left). They're waiting to play the fight song and then the national anthem.

There comes the team, running thru the giant banner onto the field. They had a huge inflatable panther last year. Maybe it has a hole in it.

Here is the opening kickoff. It'ly beat us last year but we won the year before that.

Look, the mascot is on the field! No wait, it's just a dog. You know you're in Maypearl when the game is stopped twice for a dog on the field.

The It'ly band played first at half time. They were pretty good.

The Maypearl band finished off the halftime performances. The bass drums were excellent. (Will is second from the left)

One of the band members for It'ly collapsed on the track after coming off the field. The ambulance showed up later and took them away before the second half started.

We ended up beating It'ly 27 to 13.

It was a good game. The first goal of the season was accomplished, beating It'ly.

We waited by the band hall for Will and then headed home. Got home about 11:30, and I had to get up and go to work the next morning. I love (read as: need) my job.