This is what our dog Chico looks like. You would think that after raising him from the day he was born that I (Lynne) would know this. You would think so. I came home for lunch today and was driving down 916 which for us is a major road. Right before turning on to the road we live on, I saw a black dog and a small white dog. I turned onto our road and stopped. I got out and looked again. Sure enough I was positive that the black dog was Chico. I yelled "Chico, get over here. What are you doing this far from home?" The black dog ran over to me, wiggling all over (like Chico does), and the dog promptly laid down at my feet and rolled over (like Chico does). I opened the side door to the van and wrestled the dog into the van. Chico hates cars and so I did not find this unusual that I had to wrestle with the dog. All the way home I scolded "Chico". I noticed that the dog was happy about the car ride and was seeming to enjoy itself. I told "Chico" that he had been fooling us into thinking that he hated cars when in fact he was enjoying this ride. We pulled into the driveway and "Chico" got excited and started wiggling even more. I pulled up to the house with the intent on getting out and opening the door, when all the sudden our dog (the real Chico) got up from the porch and stretched. Suddenly it dawned on me that this was not our dog. Upon further glancing, I discovered that the dog in the van with me was actually a female and her back paw was spotted. She was quite anxious to get out and play but I made the loop in the driveway without stopping and drove her back to the group of houses that I had gotten her from. On the drive back, I told her she was a good girl and a pretty dog which pleased her and made her lick me. I stopped at the houses and opened the door. She did not want to get out. She sat down and starred at me. I had to drag her out of the van. As I drove back to the house she looked at me sadly and followed for a short distance. I am still not sure who she belongs to but she had quite an adventure today. I am just lucky that she was a sweet dog since I wrestled her around and had her in the van. I think I had better pay closer attention to doggy details from now on.
Meanwhile, there was probably a little girl in one of those houses asking, "Mommy, why is that lady stealing our dog???"
Ya'll don't even know my own puppy... : ( Hahaha...
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