The Marching Pride is entering the stadium preparing to strut their stuff.

I was wondering where the bells were when I realized that Will was actually marching past me with a bass drum. I just happen to catch him in this shot.

The team and cheerleaders standing at attention for the national anthem.

Will just hanging out admist the drums.

This is Yola's grandbaby. I was practicing taking pictures and got this cute one of him smiling.

This was the night that Maypearl was trying to win a spirit contest sponsored by The Ranch 106.9 radio station. The cheerleaders used their pompoms to spell out MHS loves 106.9.

I knew that Jeff was wishing he could be there so I took shots of the score board every time a score was made.

Will was intent on his music. He did a great job. He was actually testing out the bells and making sure that they were set right.
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