We had the first game of the Area Playoffs in Maypearl on Thursday night. Our opponent was Brock. Brock is ranked in the top 5 in state (#1 in some polls). Maypearl is ranked in the top 40.

That's Dan, our catcher. He's one of Andy's buds and also a senior. He has been to our house many times to play Halo or Guitar Hero.

Our pitcher for the night was Matt. That's Dan's little brother. He's our best pitcher in my opinion. He pitched a great game against Brock.

And Andy was ready on second base. Our boys did excellent! I don't think Brock expected the competition they got. After the regulation 7 innings the game was tied 3-3. At the top of the 11th inning Brock scored what would be the winning run. They beat us 4-3 after 3 1/2 hours of play. But I think Brock knows where Maypearl is now.
Wish we could have seen that game.
Andy - We are very proud of you and your team mates! You all have nothing to be ashamed about - you played one of the best teams in Texas and let them know about Maypearl!! LOVEgrandma
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